
Interaction design

Some people, particularly non-gamers may think that interaction with games is something new and that it wasn't possible before we had Wii, Kinect and Move. They may think that before we could play games only with gamepads and joysticks or mouse and keyboard in case of computers. Well, they are wrong.

I remember that even when I was a child there were some additional controllers available that you could use to play video games. Personally I only owned one, which was a gun that I used to shoot ducks in the game called Duck Hunt.

I remember it quite well because it was  the only video game that I could persuade any family member to play with me. Why was that? Why this game and not any other? Thanks to this controller. It was really fun and it allowed to interact with game in interesting way. Also it was very intuitive. When you grabbed this controller you instantly knew how to play this game. You didn't need to learn which button does what, you only had to aim and push the trigger! simple as that, even my grandparents played it. I believe that if they were younger now they would enjoy playing kinect games too. 

Because that's the main feature of games with additional controllers: they are simple and intuitive. I love the possibilities that motion sensors like Kinect, Move and Wii gives to the player. Now you're not bound to the couch, you can actively play tennis, football, learn how to dance and even destroy armies of robots as a Jedi Knight.

That said, my favourite interactive device is not used for playing games. For me, as an artist, graphic tablets are one of the mankind greatest inventions (along with computer that you plug this tablet into). Even in 1000 years I would not be able to draw picture like this with just a mouse.

Actually, sometimes I even use my tablet for playing games. It's extra handy when I play Pictionary online.

As a last thing I only say that it's really interesting to see how technology evolves and I'm looking forward to see how gaming is going to look in the future.  

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